{ "image": "https://arweave.net/NKxfx2yM4xmrU4GepTP9sijOUeqQAb4rYNqhcoCQJl4", "description": "By the artist who loves beauty and mechanics.\nDigitally created mechanical watch/clock, resembling a luxury or collectors item. The whale theme is shown on the body, the doors and the animation playing at the full hour.\nAs soon as the hands move to 12 o'clock, a window opens. You see an ocean of small sheets that look as if they were cut from a solid material and moved by mechanical wheels and levers in the clockwork below. A whale surfaces, blows and dives again, driven by the same mechanism.", "animation_url": "https://gateway.pinata.cloud/ipfs/Qme3tYopoqEfzygV2357tY84rmtBuC14JsUsbYcC5v4PTX", "external_url": "https://www.infinft.com/view.html?artistcontract=0xf6c71e1e72254051f2e26270c16a84fbd1dbfafd&token=64", "name": "WhaleWatch", "attributes": [ { "trait_type": "artist name", "value": "Reinhard Schmid" }, { "trait_type": "edition number", "value": "1 of 1" }, { "trait_type": "exhibition", "value": "Reinhard Schmid for WHALE" }, { "trait_type": "file type", "value": "mp4" } ] }