{ "image": "https://gateway.pinata.cloud/ipfs/QmZmdvwT8mMfonfigZSSeuqYbVSH5RtGvvza32xK2Fkd62", "description": "One thousand people have one coin each and they all coinflip; anyone who gets tails sits down, and the rest repeat until there is only one remaining; the one person standing at the end has flipped heads 10 consecutive times and is the Oracle.", "animation_url": "", "external_url": "https://www.infinft.com/view.html?artistcontract=0xd97d2e469be98e48c1c252843fe2203cd1b2de22&token=114", "name": "t-flipcoin is made of gnb​gsd​hgw​nvw​alh​gun​vwa​lhg​ewa​lgw​ueg​wal​gew​geb​gwe​eia​wub​gng​kwj​hwe​gwa​eng​wae​gwa​gle​bwa​lgb​uew​uag​b", "attributes": [ { "trait_type": "artist name", "value": "Michael Fan" }, { "trait_type": "edition number", "value": "2 of 3" }, { "trait_type": "exhibition", "value": "Artist Challenge #1" }, { "trait_type": "file type", "value": "jpg" } ] }