{ "image": "https://arweave.net/9gUB4yHHD3Q5yCR1AuXnhEY1vavBFDw7GdJa2UW_rvQ", "description": "We often look back at art that has been created centuries ago, and usually, the first thought we had was how was it made? When was it made? What was the artist thinking? The beauty of the blockchain and on-chain data is it's here forever. One day, I will come back to this and be able to show those I love. Existing for eternity, the process, & the final product. We all change over time, I use to like my coffee half and half, now I like it black. Let's make history.", "animation_url": "https://gateway.pinata.cloud/ipfs/QmfCx93nKJzxGnxgDWtXc2fwignLfBQKXtRRTLvg5ZsAKB", "external_url": "https://www.infinft.com/view.html?artistcontract=0xd838724658a64fe63e24f18cce407b7cf308935e&token=16", "name": "Half & Half", "attributes": [ { "trait_type": "artist name", "value": "Emotionull" }, { "trait_type": "edition number", "value": "1 of 1" }, { "trait_type": "exhibition", "value": "Timelapse" }, { "trait_type": "file type", "value": "mp4" } ] }