{ "image": "https://gateway.pinata.cloud/ipfs/QmR2mVt6zBv1PsBrmcZiy2MotV8V7YyXE1Z2xa1174gCxi", "description": "Shiva protects and transforms the universe, is the destroyer and the creator. It is necessary to destroy the financial system that generates poverty and destruction and create a new idea that gives freedom and value to the life of those who make the world.", "animation_url": "", "external_url": "https://www.infinft.com/view.html?artistcontract=0xcbe642d1b28caeff5f8377560db29e43ba7ac200&token=5", "name": "Bitcoin Shiva Valley", "attributes": [ { "trait_type": "artist name", "value": "ManWithNoName" }, { "trait_type": "edition number", "value": "1 of 1" }, { "trait_type": "exhibition", "value": "" }, { "trait_type": "file type", "value": "png" } ] }